Saturday, 4 June 2011

For Graduates

For Graduates:
Exams now… then graduation… it’s out in the work place then….

To help you get a head start we are offering these 2 hour workshops in September:

5th September
Being an Entrepreneur in all you do.
Dr Michelle Gialanze
6th September
Furthering your  IT Skills
Mr Ian Sammut
7th September
Building up your sales technique
 – the psychology of sales.
Mr Christer B Jansson
12th September
Managing your well-being at work
Ms Christine Busuttil
13th September
Social media marketing
To be advised… but we are getting a Star!

14th September
Networking for a job
Dr Michelle Gialanze + Ms Christine Busuttil

Each session costs 35 euro – just send an email for further information or  to book your place to

Friday, 3 June 2011

Next events at IVC

You are invited to the following information sessions:

6th June at 6.00 p.m - Intro to IVCMalta –
Mr Christian Vassallo CEO Oper8Malta and Dr Michelle Gialanze CEO IVC Malta will introduce what IVC Malta is about, how it works and what students will be achieving.

28th July at 6.00 p.m. - Get Naked.
Dr Vince Cassar addresses the issue of perceptions, and how one should see what one is good at to achieve success.
3rd Sept at 6.00 p.m. - Intro to Entrepreneurship.
A case study on entrepreneurship will be shared and discussed with the audience.

These sessions will be held at The George Hotel, Paceville.Please do contact us to reserve your places on