Saturday, 10 December 2011

Gaining Successful Employability!

The International Vocational College Malta will be hosting a talk on employability and the skills involved in attaining successful employability on the 17th December.This workshop would help students to think about their future and prepare themselves for it proactively and will be given by Dr Vince Cassar.

Dr Vince Cassar is an active researcher and his teaching interests include the psychological contract (social exchange, breach and careers), psychological perspectives of entrepreneurship and occupational health and stress. He also has interests in careers and management development / organizational learning. He has presented and published his studies in several peer-reviewed journals like Work & Stress, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Women in Management Review and the Journal of Education and Work. He also acts as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals such as Human Relations, the Journal of Business and Psychology, and the American Academy of Management's OB and Entrepreneurship section. He is a member of several professional bodies including the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, the British Psychological Society, the American Academy of Management, the American Psychological Association, the International Association of Positive Psychology, the British Science Council and the European Association of Occupational Health Psychology.

I would like to invite you for this free workshop on Saturday, 17h December at 10 a.m. at IVC which is in new street in Mensija Road, St Julians. Below is a map of our location

Please don't hesitate in getting in touch with me on to reserve your place.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Building Belief.

Finding a sense of motivation, believing in ones ability to bring something to the table that will be enjoyed by everyone. Finding the right product, the right wording, the right attitude, and the right timing.

Kaipaus Jewellery line is undeniably innovative, incorporating nanotechnology into a porcelain casing, retaining a sent for a long period of time. This product has the edge to flood the market, but as with everything in life there is more to it then that.

Taking on this product i have begun to learn all that it in tales to fully believe in ones ability and the products ability. Facing frustrations and limitations, and questioning ones approach.

However one thing remains constant, this product has a great potential and so do I. I just need to build on that.

If anyone is interested in owning such an innovative piece of jewellery please feel free to contact me. Or Join the Facebook group at KAIPAUS - MALTA.

Kaipaus makes the perfect gift.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Swimming With The Big Kids

Nothing like being thrown in to deeper waters.
Into a new mind set, new theories, greater standards and a community linked by ambition.
Watching how others battle to master the strokes, is extremely insightful for my own survival.
At this point in time I realize I would be lost with out my IVC Arm bands, allowing me to test the waters, learn from the Kids splashing around me, and not have to swallow to much water.
Just have to make sure I keep kicking, so I can move forward rather then bob along the top.
Theres something so refreshing about the endless possibility..
"Just Keep Swimming" ~ Dory, Finding Nemo.

Steph: OK here I go – my first blog post for IVC

The back to school/work feeling, horrible isn’t it? Fear of the unknown…that icky anxiety before you venture into something knew….we all can recall moments in our life when we had such feelings. Three weeks ago it was my turn, I was going to start the Diploma in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at IVC. I was anxious but at the same time excited - Michelle Gialanze has a fantastic way of energizing even the most uninterested soul in whatever she is passionate about. Not that I was uninterested – far from it. So here I am, 3 weeks later and already feeling a sense of accomplishment and development.
So far, we have gone over Innovation, Business Planning and the latest topic – Finance. We have had three different personalities giving us their best knowledge and experiences. Their way of ‘giving’ isn’t about preaching for hours on end – just like a lot of lecturers do in most other educational settings. At IVC they create an environment for us to learn through discussion and application of the right theory and technicalities of the subject (as opposed to vast amounts of information). We are given time to think IN class so that any difficulties are dealt with instantly and collectively.
Before starting the course at the college, Michelle made it a point to get to know us better as she had different projects to assign to us, depending on what she thought suited us most. Besides us having our own ‘baby to nurture’, the idea for having a project to develop was to help us apply what we are thought in class – allowing deeper understanding of things.
It’s a great experience and even though I complain about being tired of thinking so much, seeing what I have already achieved makes me look forward to what lies ahead. I know we still have a lot learn so I’m keeping my sleeves rolled up!!

Stephanie Camilleri
Student at IVC

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Application form for the Starr Hall ONLINE course

Just drop an email to or a note on our facebook page - International Vocational College Malta -

Enjoy the course!

Monday, 12 September 2011

Social Media Marketing Course with Guru Starr Hall

The Ultimate Social Media & Online Marketing Pro-Course with Social Media Guru–
Starr Hall.

The Course You Have Been Waiting For Has Now Arrived!

This is the course content:

Module One: Social Media & Online Marketing Overview

Module Two: Connect with Your Target Market & Create Powerful Messaging/Content AND Fan Pages & Groups

Module Three: Powerful Publicity & Mobile Marketing Overview

Module Four: Blogging & Email Marketing

Module Five: Video Marketing, Online Analytics & Search Engine Optimization

Module Six: How to Run a Successful Social Media Campaign

This is what the course looks like…..

Contact for a registration form – the course costs 210 Euro and you get:

• On line access to the course for 6 months
• A support desk in available
• Each module has an action guide and downloadable materials.
• Videos in each unit of Starr Hall
• Accreditation from IVC Malta + Starr Hall.

Listen to more information on Social Media Marketing on –

Saturday, 3 September 2011

OPEN DAY - 10th September

Come and Visit us on the 10th September from 9 - 1.00 p.m.

IVC - 1, New Street in Mensija Street
The Gardens

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Business Boot Camp

IVC Malta’s bootcamp

The bootcamp has been especially designed for start-ups and sole traders.

The bootcamp will give you all the tools needed to grow your business beyond your existing client base. The content will be tailored to your key information needs based on the few questions that will be asked when booking.

This is an intense and effective way to spend your time which in the long-term will save you significant time and money. The content across both days covers all of the essential issues you are facing as a new busine using practical exercises and inspirational presentations .

Just some of the benefits of the bootcamp

• Understand your brand and USP
• Learn how to deliver your elevator pitch through the business plan session
• Get information on professional service delivery from experts on IT
• Develop a strategy to carry your business forward

It will be held on the 13th and 15th September from 5 - 7.00 p.m. at IVC in the Gardens St.Julians.
Both sessions cost 40 euro - and they are designed specifically to address the attendees needs. Therefore the sessions are small.

What others have said about our training:

“Great, just the visit to an accountant would have cost me much more, really fantastic – keep it up”

“IT skills was always something I struggled with, and hated to admit, now that no longer stops me… I am blogging”

 Contact me on to reserve your place.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011



                Recently we had an advert on line, and my marketing manager was so pleased with the hits… but what did these ANALYTICS actually show? 

Well, that was my first question, which led to following 5 questions:

(1)    Did the people key in the name of the college? A good website is there to attract new business, not people who are just checking our address. If the advert meant that the students were just checking out our school, was this a success or not?

(2)    Does our Facebook work? – is our social media presence working for us? I think a little experimentation here is necessary. Some say 25% of the website visits should be referred from Facebook or twitter.  Well, so how were we going to maximise that, did the analytics show that?

(3)    Was the website showing our enthusiasm and passion as a college? Where we getting more people involved.. what did the analytics show?

(4)    Which pages are they looking at? The home page should be divided into paths for a browser to continue, if they are landing on the page and not moving on… that’s a problem.

(5)    What is this bounce rate? Apparently if the bounce rate is more than 60 -70 per cent, there is a problem. This means that the visitors did not find what they wanted.

So, Analytics are fine, but they really have to be understood and not just seen as wonderful numbers on a sheet of paper….

Saturday, 4 June 2011

For Graduates

For Graduates:
Exams now… then graduation… it’s out in the work place then….

To help you get a head start we are offering these 2 hour workshops in September:

5th September
Being an Entrepreneur in all you do.
Dr Michelle Gialanze
6th September
Furthering your  IT Skills
Mr Ian Sammut
7th September
Building up your sales technique
 – the psychology of sales.
Mr Christer B Jansson
12th September
Managing your well-being at work
Ms Christine Busuttil
13th September
Social media marketing
To be advised… but we are getting a Star!

14th September
Networking for a job
Dr Michelle Gialanze + Ms Christine Busuttil

Each session costs 35 euro – just send an email for further information or  to book your place to

Friday, 3 June 2011

Next events at IVC

You are invited to the following information sessions:

6th June at 6.00 p.m - Intro to IVCMalta –
Mr Christian Vassallo CEO Oper8Malta and Dr Michelle Gialanze CEO IVC Malta will introduce what IVC Malta is about, how it works and what students will be achieving.

28th July at 6.00 p.m. - Get Naked.
Dr Vince Cassar addresses the issue of perceptions, and how one should see what one is good at to achieve success.
3rd Sept at 6.00 p.m. - Intro to Entrepreneurship.
A case study on entrepreneurship will be shared and discussed with the audience.

These sessions will be held at The George Hotel, Paceville.Please do contact us to reserve your places on